Saturday, August 27, 2011

1st Day of School - 2nd Grade & K!

Hard to believe but summer came to a fast end and we are back at it with a big girl 2nd grader and our baby is in kindergarten! Time is flying and I can barely keep up! Both girls were excited for the first day. Thursday, August 18th, Shelby had a 1/2 a day and Morgan had K open house so she went 1 hour & we stayed for a bunch of information. Here are the all important first day pics. I came across a picture of my first day of kindergarten. I had to chuckle because on Shelby's 2nd day we had a battle about the ankle socks I wanted her to wear. She thought they came up too far so she rolled them over. I told her they were supposed to be like that and if she thought they were too high she was crazy! I said when I was a kid I had to wear knee socks and I hated them. I remember I had a red pair that I hated the most and eventually hid them on the top of a tall shelf in the playroom. And yesterday I had her wear a pair of leggings under the jean skirt she picked to wear because it seemed a little short. Well, check out how short the hems and how tall the socks were in 1979!
Friday, August 19th, both girls had a full day. Before I had the car parked and the seat belt off, Morgan was saying, "Goodbye Mommy". I'm not even sure she was going to take the time to give me a kiss. I was like "Whoa, you are not getting away that easy". They were lining up in the gym so there really was not time to get all sad about saying goodbye. Not to mention I decided to have a garage sale that Friday and Saturday and I had to get home to get the sale open for business. As I write this, they have completed a full week. Shelby did her usual good, but Morgan decided when the newness & excitement of going to school wore off, she was done with it. She cried at school every day. On Wednesday she cried at home getting ready and while waiting in line before school started. Thankfully she cries quietly and doesn't carry on and make a scene hanging on to my leg begging me not to send her to school. She said the day is too long, kindergarten is boring and she misses me. Finally on Thursday, she comes running out after school with a big smile on her face and said, "That wasn't so bad"! Then her teacher came over and said she let her take a nap for about 1 hour and then she was good to go. So a lot of her trouble has just been adjustment and being too tired. On Friday she didn't cry going into school but she did say she cried a little for me. She is excited to have me volunteering in the library for her class. I signed up for Fridays from 1:40-3:10. I start with Morgan's K class, then a 4th grade class & end with a 2nd grade class although it is not Shelby's. I'm hoping that she will find it more fun as they finish up some of the assessment stuff that may be a little on the boring side. Because if you don't think kindergarten is fun, oh boy, not good!

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