Monday, August 15, 2011

WI - Thursday the 11th - Lunch & Lake

On Wednesday night my mom received some texts from my aunt Laura saying she and my uncle Dwayne were coming to Darlington on Thursday to visit my grandpa. Ashley and I had been planning to take him out to lunch as well. So the girls and I met them in Shullsburg to eat lunch at the Brewster. My uncle Ron, Chloe & Chase joined us as well.That evening, my dad and I took the girls to the lake to meet my uncle Nick and aunt Sue for a ride on the boat.
the girls took a ride in the raft

having a little too much fun
they about flipped themselves right out the front
After their near dump, they decided they wanted to ride in the boat. So Nick turned it off to bring them in but then the boat wouldn't start. So Nick and my dad paddled us to shore.

a family of ducks out for a swim
pooped, again!
donkey that hangs out with the neighbors beef cattle in the pasture next to the driveway
Another full day of fun!

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